Do You Know Who Is Broly

 Broly (ブロリー, Burorī) is the main antagonist in the Broly Triple Threat trilogy. He appears to be the latest of the Legendary Super Saiyans who appear every thousand years.[7] His father is Paragus.
He’s an incredibly strong Saiyan who only appeared in the old anime movies, and I apparently at least drew the designs for him, but I had practically no involvement with the anime at the time, so I had totally forgotten about the story content.

So, about Broly. I hear these days, he’s still very popular not only in Japan, but also overseas. Based on that, my editor suggested we have Broly appear in this next movie.

I went ahead and watched the movies from back then, and I felt this could be quite interesting once I rearrange some things. I got right to work trying my hand at a story that incorporates him into the Dragon Ball Super series.

While keeping in mind Broly’s classic image so as not to disappoint his fans, I updated him and added a new side to his character, and I think this has resulted in a more fascinating Broly.

Naturally you’ll get to see fierce combat, but also, the paths of destiny that lead to an encounter between Goku, Vegeta, and Broly. It also involves the Frieza Force and the history of the Saiyans, which end up having a major connection to everything. The story content turns out to be very large-scale and dramatic.
Broly is a light-skinned Saiyan with dark eyes and black spiky hair reaching his his mid-back with short bangs framing his forehead. When he was a kid, he wore a black one-strap tunic with gray pants and brown boots, alongside a rope belt and bracelets. As an adult, Broly is very tall with a lean but well-built frame. His facial expression, even before wearing the crown, had a melancholic demeanor to it. He is shirtless while wearing white pants with a red sash draped around his waist and secured by a yellow belt with a blue gem-center. He also wears similar yellow boots with a blue gem at the top the front. It is implied that the outfit was made of a similar material to the Battle Armor, regardless of what size-increasing transformation he used, his clothing always remained intact and grew in size with him.

To better control Broly and his power as his mental-instability continued to grow, Paragas  placed a crown on Broly's forehead, along with wristbands and a necklace with a flat plate over the chest, each which are golden with a blue gem. Broly also wore golden bands over his biceps. After breaking free from Paragas' control, Broly's crown and armbands were destroyed. After Broly's defeat against Goku, he obtained scorch marks across his chest.
He was a true warrior. Born with a strength and clout that would make most Saiyan  fathers proud. But there was something far darker about him. Violent, threatening, and in time it began to scare me.
Paragus reminiscing on Broly's true nature.
When first seen, Broly is seen as a rather docile and harmless-looking Saiyan (uncharacteristic of a majority of the Saiyan race). However, Broly has a dual nature, as indicated in Paragus's flashback, when he briefly wakes up and calmly asks what Paragus is up to, only to end up going into a screaming fit when realizing that Paragus is about to place the mind-control crown on his head. Once shifting into his more aggressive state, Broly demonstrates his love of fighting and brutality just like the typical Saiyan, but on a far more destructive level. This violent and maniacal side of him seemingly stemmed from both his extraordinary power that he never properly learned to control as well as the traumatic events of his birth, causing his frenzies to happen more frequently and last longer as he grew. Largely because of his insanity, Broly was also known to get hysterical when causing destruction or going into a frenzy, such being especially evident in Paragus's flashback where Broly after destroying a cityscape as a child is seen laughing uncontrollably, even while being physically restrained by Paragus. Broly also seems to have a real problem controlling his rage, meaning that he could end up destroying himself. In an effort to control his erratic behavior, Paragus used a device to subdue Broly's temperament.
When free of Paragus's control device, Broly's Saiyan nature becomes dominant. His thirst for combat and desire for death and destruction of things is unyielding, as shown by his destruction of Planet Shamo. Broly seems to acknowledge his malevolence; Piccolo calls him a freak, to which Broly replies that he actually is a devil (the FUNimation dub for the film tones this down slightly while at the same time getting the implications across by having Piccolo in the aforementioned scene accusing Broly of attacking children first in a disgusted tone, as well as Broly responding that he merely does what is needed to be done, before telling him that the Namekian should have expected that from "a true freak."). It is suggestive that even though Broly was driven mad with his birth-given power and the various circumstances  of his birth, Broly has some sanity of said madness as he has also shown some intelligence while on his rampage: he sees through Paragus' lies and plan for having him die in the planet's collision with Comet Camori, as well as briefly engaging in ambushes against Gohan, Goku, and Future Trunks within the ruined city and successfully catching them off guard, and also deducing right before his first defeat that Goku's increase in power had been due to donations  from his allies. A similar display of intellect was also demonstrated in the Victory Mission  manga, where he, in a similar manner to King Piccolo, proceeded to devour two Dragon Balls in front of Beat and Froze, and then forces them to fight against him, knowing full well they can't actually harm him. Also (in the FUNimation dub at least), he has a very dark sense of humor: When Goku demanded a handicap during the fight, Broly proceeded to sadistically ask him if "handicap" is another word for a coffin. He also seems to have some degree of respect for fighters who attempt to stop him even when the odds are against them, as evidenced by his remark to the Z Fighters in the Japanese version where he even claimed they were very much worthy of their Saiyan blood (in the FUNimation dub, he says the opposite: he instead calling them wastes of Saiyan Blood). Similarly, he seems to have some loathing of fighters who were all talk and no action, as evidenced by his remark to Vegeta shortly after he ended up quickly defeating them where he called him a "true piece of trash." Although largely lacking self-restraint, he nonetheless was implied in the Japanese version to hold just enough to hold off destroying New Planet Vegeta to allow Goku and the other Z Fighters a chance to fight with everything they had (although this was mostly because his Saiyan instincts demanded for him to have a fight).

Broly's most defining trait is his intense hatred for Goku. While both were newborns, Goku's relentless crying greatly irritated the nearby Broly, sparking the hatred which would grow sub-consciously in his early life and awaken upon seeing Goku again. It is implied that the reason behind his hatred for Goku is because he subconsciously associated Goku's incessant crying with the horrific things he had to endure later on such as narrowly surviving the execution and barely escaping Planet Vegeta's destruction, and thus blamed Goku for these things. While under mind-control, and later when his insanity has set in, he often shouts Goku's Saiyan name, "Kakarot", in an exclamatory way. Although he generally addresses Goku by his Saiyan name, he has referred to him by his Earth name twice, both times during their fight on New Planet Vegeta (at least in the English dub).

By the events of his second movie, his defeat at Goku's hands as well as his severe injuries results in him totally losing his sanity. His speech is now limited to uttering "Kakarot" (except for one rare exception) and he has a diminished sense of reality, as he mistakes Goten for a baby Goku even though he already encountered Goku as an adult seven years prior, and also mistook Gohan for an adult Goku.Xenoverse 2 implies that that another reason for his mistaking them for Goku was because they carried a similar scent to him. The only aspect of his mind that seems intact is his sadistic desire for revenge against Goku. It is implied in Bio-Broly that his hatred for Goku is so great that it has become ingrained in him to the genetic level as his clone Bio-Broly seemingly inherited his hatred and habit of saying "Kakarot!", indicating he passed it on to his clone through some form of genetic memory.

Interestingly, in a what-if scenario in Supersonic Warriors 2, Broly loses his memory and becomes more subdued (in a manner much like Goku) and is found by Mr. Satan whom he befriends. Though he later regains his memory after encountering Goku at the World Tournament he and Mr. Satan were participating in and transforms. His memory of Mr. Satan's friendship stops him from killing Goku and destroying the Earth, and it is implied that he managed to learn to how to control his darker impulses, allowing him to live a peaceful life on Earth in a manner similar to Good Buu, indicating that Broly may have turned out differently were it not for his hellish life and the influence of his father. Similarly, another storyline involving Broly, where Broly and Paragus successfully managed to take out the Z-Fighters, had Broly upon conquering the Earth acting as a sort of "defender" of the planet against various threats to Earth such as Cell and Majin Buu and also has a (comparatively) better relationship with Paragus.

In Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, it is revealed he has committed the scents of both Kakarot and Vegeta to his memory. In Xenoverse 2, he retains his hatred of Goku and is obsessed with finding him. He treats the Future Warrior like a plaything and a slave (presumably due to his father's influence as Paragus had an army of henchmen) stating how he will kill them and destroy the city. However, like all villain instructors his destructive tendencies are toned down, even planning to leave the city to go destroy a planet elsewhere to blow off steam which is one of the few times Broly has shown any semblance of restraint as he could have simply destroyed Conton City.
Additionally, he will respect the Saiyan Future Warrior if they complete his training even stating they may be worthy of their Saiyan blood after all, just like he said to the Z Fighters in the Japanese version of Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan. Similarly, during the DLC storyline for the Infinite History saga, despite making clear that he only is participating in the mission to fix the rift in order to find Kakarot, he nonetheless agreed to accompany his student to do the mission. He is confused when the Future Warrior asks how they plan to destroy the planet he was planning to destroy and simply states that if one attacks something enough it is sure to crumble, showing that his thinking when it comes to fighting is straightforward and violently simplistic. He also disagrees with Turles' assertion that real Saiyan warriors have finesse, arguing rather accurately that Saiyans don't care about finesse, only battle showing he has a good insight into his own innate Saiyan drives and impulses which unlike Turles he fully embraces.
Broly was born in Age 737, during the period of intense turmoil between Frieza and the Saiyans. At birth, his most curious feature was his inordinate power level of 10,000. This anomaly meant that by birth, Broly's power had already been close to that of Bardock  and King Vegeta at the time of their deaths. In the Saiyan delivery room where he rests afterward, Broly is tormented by the constant crying of his neighbor, Kakarot. Kakarot's crying affected Broly's psychological state of mind, causing him to hold a subconscious grudge against him. The two infants would not meet again for almost three decades.King Vegeta feared the threat the boy posed to his empire, and so he gave the order for the infant's execution. Broly's father, Paragus, begged the king to spare the child's life, attesting that his son could be an extreme asset to King Vegeta and his son. King Vegeta was quick to point out that while this is true, the same is true that Broly could use his ever-increasing strength to overthrow the Saiyan royal family. King Vegeta closes the argument by sentencing Paragus to death, shooting him with an energy wave. Broly is then stabbed in the chest and left to die with Paragus.

When Planet Vegeta is destroyed, Broly ascends and uses his powers to shield himself and his father. Ironically, the destruction of Planet Vegeta had been orchestrated by Frieza for exactly the same reason why King Vegeta tried to execute Broly earlier: Due to fear of the Legendary Super Saiyan rising up and overthrowing him. Broly then sticks with his father as Paragus plots revenge against King Vegeta and the royal family for the sentence they passed on them.As Broly developed, it became clear to Paragus that King Vegeta was not unjustified in trying to kill him (though he may not have considered King Vegeta's point). Broly's behavior became more maniacal and erratic as he matured, due to his power and the traumatic events during his infancy.[8] One such consequence of this was when Broly punched Paragus in the face and blinded him in the left eye.Fearing for his own safety but still unwilling to kill Broly, Paragus used a ring as a special control device to keep Broly under restraint. Paragus narrowly managed to survive adorning Broly with the ring; Broly's calmness vanished as soon as he noticed the crown that Paragus tried to place on his forehead. After successfully doing so, Paragus launched a plan to use Earth as a base of operations for universal domination and to take revenge on Vegeta by luring him to a planet doomed to be destroyed by a giant comet. During this time, he also used Broly to destroy the remaining planets in the South Area, such being the main cause of the realization of disturbance in the universe  from King Kai; this caused him to contact Goku and inform him of the Super Saiyan threat.Broly appears to be a quiet and gentle Saiyan until his personality is later dispelled as a charade caused by the suppression of his ring. He accompanies Vegeta to planet Todokama, ironically in search of the Legendary Super Saiyan. When Goku appears at Paragus' palace after warping to New Vegeta using Instant Transmission, Broly starts to fill with rage at the sight of Goku, before his father finally manages to calm him down. However, that night, Broly fails to control himself and goes into a blind rage, attacking Goku in his suppressed Super Saiyan form. Eventually, Broly manages to power up significantly, with Goku upon his doing so recognizing it as the very same energy as the energy trail he had been following, and then promptly accuses Broly of being the one responsible for attacking the South Galaxy (in the FUNimation dub, he instead just demands that Broly listen to a newly arrived Paragus and calm down). The battle is drawn to an early close when Paragus arrives and is able to once again use his control over Broly. This encounter leaves Goku in surprise and certain that Broly is the Legendary Super Saiyan he has been tracking down.When Vegeta tries to leave the planet with the others and Paragus's plan is exposed, Broly starts to walk toward Goku and utter his name in rage. His headband is destroyed and he transforms into the Legendary Super Saiyan, free of Paragus's control. Vegeta is completely shooked by Broly's ki and Broly proceeds to fight Goku and the others. Enraged beyond control and rampant with insanity, the combined Super Saiyan strength of Goku, Gohan, and Future Trunks are futile. Eventually, Piccolo makes an appearance on the battlefield, but he too provides little help against the unbelievable power of Broly. Soon after, Vegeta dispels his fear and awe over Broly, joining in the fight, only to be quickly outclassed.While the devastated Dragon Team lie scattered about the rubble of a fallen city, Broly ties one more loose end by confronting Paragus, who is making an attempt to escape the doomed planet in a Saiyan Pod. Broly ignores the fabricated plight of his father, crushing in his arms the Saiyan Pod, and Paragus with it; he muses that Paragus's plan to have the comet kill him would not work. Goku rises one last time and asks his friends to channel all of their energy into him, Vegeta's energy being the final channeling due to his beliefs that he should not assist a lower-class Saiyan. Broly throws a powerful punch to finish Goku, but with the addition of Vegeta's energy, Goku is able to catch Broly's punch. Goku then emits a powerful ki that causes Broly to step back in fear. Realizing the source of Goku's energy, Broly laughs at the idea of Goku being able to kill him before quickly powering up.

The two Saiyans charge each other head on, as the planet begins to break apart beneath them. Broly throws a punch at Goku that misses its mark, while Goku lands a powerful blow to Broly's abdomen. Broly's green ki  bursts out from the point of impact, and his skin appears to crack as green light emits from his body. Broly then cries out in astonishment and explodes, seemingly defeated.

Prior to Broly being revealed as the Legendary Super Saiyan, and in large part because of Paragus restraining Broly's power to his base form via his crown, Paragus claims that Broly's power level is weaker than his own, with Future Trunks confirming this. However, his base form may have been weaker than Paragus, at least at the time he was first adorned with the crown, due to the latter proceeding to pin him down long enough to put the crown on him and struggling to knock Paragus away during his screaming fit. Broly's ki in his Super Saiyan form was strong enough to be barely sensed from King Kai's planet while he was causing destruction in the South Galaxy. In addition, even when in his suppressed Super Saiyan state, it is heavily implied that it was powerful enough to obliterate the South Galaxy single-handedly, leaving only a few planets and stars. While he was in his Legendary Super Saiyan form, Broly's ki is potent enough to be sensed all the way from Kami's Lookout on Earth from New Planet Vegeta. While in his Super Saiyan form, he is able to make Goku struggle a little bit, although he is restrained by Paragus' headband. When in Legendary Super Saiyan form, he is stronger than Goku, Gohan, Future Trunks, and Vegeta as Super Saiyans and Piccolo after he has fused with Kami; he easily beats all five of them around. Even when Piccolo and Goku both barrage Broly with punches and kicks, Broly takes no damage, and if anything effortlessly dodged  their combined front, and wipes them aside. Perhaps most tellingly, he purposely took a point-blank Super Kamehameha from Super Saiyan Goku, and not only emerged completely unscathed but laughed the attack off. Being able to take attacks from Super Saiyan Goku without any damage meaning that Broly was at least twice as strong as Goku.[9] His physical strength in this form was also enough to effortlessly crush Paragus' attack ball, which was heavily armored and then threw it off the planet. However, the channeling of the ki of the exhausted base form Gohan, Vegeta, Future Trunks and Piccolo into Goku proves superior to Broly in his Legendary Super Saiyan form. When Goku is significantly powered up by the ki, Broly also expresses some shock and fear at the unexpected power increase, although this was short lived, even confidently declaring that, regardless of how much power was donated by the other Z-Fighters to Goku, it wouldn't be enough to kill him. In Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans, Goku states that Hatchiyack may be even stronger than Legendary Super Saiyan Broly (from Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan). It is stated by Vegeta that he is the most powerful Saiyan in all of history. Although not confirmed, it is possibly implied that his Legendary Super Saiyan form may have been stronger than Gohan's Super Saiyan 2 form at the time, as Goku urged Gohan to flee when Broly threatened him despite already being aware of his Super Saiyan 2 form.In addition, Broly also was shown to possess exceptional stamina, being capable of surviving grievous wounds that would have normally killed other individuals. These included being stabbed in the heart during the time of his infancy and being punched in the abdomen by an empowered Goku and then forcibly exploding at the end of their fight. Due to his Saiyan Power, he inevitably grew much stronger during these times.

After gaining more Saiyan Power in his second movie appearance, Gohan states that Super Saiyan Broly is just as much of a challenge as before, suggesting that his Super Saiyan state in the movie was of comparable power to his Legendary Super Saiyan state from his previous appearance. On a related note, it was also implied that Broly managed to overcome the venting problem with his Legendary Super Saiyan form, as he does not vent at all during his fight with Gohan late in the film. In his Legendary Super Saiyan form, he is able to defeat Super Saiyan 2 Gohan without any difficulty. He is damaged after being lured into lava, but survives using an energy shield. However, the full power of the Family Kamehameha used by Super Saiyans Goku, Gohan, and Goten was powerful enough to push Broly into the sun.

In Dragon Ball Z: Super Tenkaichi Budokai, Broly in his Broly God form is shown to be strong enough to fight against both Super Saiyan Blue Goku and base Vegeta at the same time. A full charge attack from Broly knocks out Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta when he is forced to take the full brunt of it as he defends Bulma, however, Broly God is no match for God Fusion Goku and is quickly dispatched with a God Kamehameha, although he does temporarily hold his own against the fusions various physical blows.

Victory Mission

In Dragon Ball Heroes: Victory Mission, Super Saiyan 4 Broly is shown to be strong enough to easily defeat Eis Shenron, Nuova Shenron, and Rage Shenron (Electric Slime Body Build) with only a few blows, and is completely unharmed following his fights with them.

Statements by authors and guidebooks
It is stated in Daizenshuu 6 that after his resuscitation and resultant Saiyan Power, Super Saiyan Broly's power surpasses that of Super Saiyan Goku Additionally, it is stated that Legendary Super Saiyan Broly is a foe with bottomless power.

It is stated on the Toei website for the Dragon Ball films that Janemba was the strongest of the original thirteen movie villains, with Hirudegarn was the second strongest of them,making Broly weaker than these two villains.

According to Takao Koyama, the writer for the first thirteen Dragon Ball Z films stated that - even including the TV anime - nobody exists in the world who's stronger than Broly, and that there is absolutely no way Goku could beat Broly outside of the unorthodox methods he used in the films.

Takao Koyama later went on to state that Broly is the most powerful of the movie antagonists that preceded him. However, Koyama went on to state that Broly was a pushover compared to Beerus.Whether Broly in Movie 8 was stronger than Bojack was left ambiguous due to the latter never actually fighting Goku. After being reduced to his syrupy form Bio-Broly is also weaker than Broly, making Broly the only movie villain to not actually have the immediate succeeding villain surpass him in power. He does also match up with being stronger than the previous villain (Android 13, in this case).


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